An International and Interdisciplinary Research Project

Finding Purpose in the Face of Uncertainty
Anxiety and Confidence Looking Forward – for a new interpretive approach
to our complex problems in the present and the future
Book Launch, 28th of Novemeber 2024 at 18:15: “Anxiety Culture”
Focus Talk at the Seeburg: Trump and no end to the horror
An evening event on Kiel’s contribution to the current book publication “Anxiety Culture” by Hopkins Press, USA
In a time characterised by political and economic uncertainty, climate catastrophes and migration issues, the recently published book “Anxiety Culture” by Johns Hopkins University Press examines our current social anxieties. The book is the result of an international research initiative that began almost a decade ago at Kiel University.
To celebrate its publication, a “Focus Talk” at the Seeburg will reflect on our current anxiety culture. The event is open to all and offers a varied programme with academics and students, including a presentation of the book, student activities, keynotes on “Political Instability” and “Environmental Destruction”, panel discussions and a talk by special guest Professor David Schultz on “Trump’s victory and Europe’s security”.

Mechanics of panic – in discourses, images and actions
In this series of lectures, we approach the rapidly spreading, mostly frightening or even panic-inducing, but at least for many people difficult to understand phenomena that significantly shape our world today.
This refers to a series of “Mechanics of panic” that discursively characterise our world: Conspiracy theories, filter bubbles, fake news, mistrust of science, hate speech, fear speech and all the affect-laden reactions associated with our experiences of crises, populism and divisions in society. These “Mechanics of panic” are based on widespread sentiments that are rooted in deep insecurities and feelings of powerlessness in the face of the major problems of our time. In order to gain a better understanding of the underlying complex structures, an interdisciplinary view is helpful and necessary. For this reason, experts from various disciplines, including linguistics, cultural studies, political science, economics and social sciences, will provide insights into their research in this lecture series.
27 OCTOBER 2022
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series
more info to follow
Climate, Crises, Wars and Concepts
Scientific contributions to options and opportunities for the future
April – July 2024
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series
Mechanics of panic
Experts from various disciplines, including linguistics, cultural studies, political science, economics and social sciences
28 NOVEMBER 2024
Book launch: “Anxiety culture”
Global anxieties shaped by politics, environment, and migration.
Seeburg Focus Talk features discussions, keynotes, and guest speakers.
Special guest David Schultz examines Trump’s impact on Europe.
Anxiety Culture Center
| Governance
The Anxiety Culture Center is the organisational body of the research project. Here all decision-making processes converge, ensuring the structure for successful research (from December 2022 onwards).
Our aim is to develop a contemporary science management. This means: offering as much freedom as possible for research while at the same time strategically reflecting of research programmes is also required.
In addition to funding opportunities and assistance with campaigns in research communication and scientific policy advice, the centre also seeks to ensure that young researchers are optimally supported. A further training programme offers therefor the opportunity to develop the potential and talents of junior staff. Senior Scientists also benefit from this.
The organisational body is represended by a Center of Kiel University, Germany. This formal structure offers by December 2022 the legal background for the partnershiph with Columbia University, funding effors and collaborations.

Anxiety Culture Art / Blog
| Outreach
Good research deserves to be communicated to the world. We want to ensure that science communication conveys the results to the appropriate target groups.
It is also important that decision-makers are specifically addressed. This can be supported by scientific policy advice. The curricula of the education systems should include the results of research on Anxiety Culture.
Art has – as a particular form of social interaction – a high priority in the project. On the one hand, art is used to accompany the interdisciplinary results of anxiety research. On the other hand, new forms of social exchange are created.
Outreach by artistic work is essential to the ACP. Creating new tools and instruments to deliver results and insights into public education, economic networks, society and the political arena is an essential aim.

Anxiety Culture Project
Heart of the endeavour is the interdisciplinary and international scientific work. This is organized in four fields of research activities which are intersectionally supported by theory & methodology and technological observations.
Theory & Methodology
In a mutual approach of (Social / Natural) Sciences and Humanities, research on the different aspects of Anxiety Culture has to be carried out in a combination of methodological traditions and innovations, referring to data-sets and empirical findings in each area of investigation.
The four research clusters and their scientific teams propose the topics for investigation individually but they investigate always the (possible) impact of „New Technologies“ and „Automation / Artificial Intelligence“ which are defined by each area.
Education & Outreach
Strong belief in an implementation of research findings in educational curriculums. This engagement covers a wide research communication approach as well. Digital tools will be combined with classical formats like conferences and one on one meetings. Science Diplomacy and political consultation is part of this aim.

Climate & Environment
Earth warming and ecology, environmental protection, sustainability, agriculture, climate justice, etc.

Future of Politics, Work and Society / Digitalization
Research and projects in this cluster are focused on the labor market and job prospects, communication and free speech, data protection, etc., in an environment of automation and digitalization.

Migration, Language, Culture & Discourse
Projects in this cluster cover a wide range of topics, including social integration, national isolationism, cultural identity, xenophobia, racism, etc.

Population Health
Public health care, mental illness, drug-abuse, violence, chronic diseases, pandemics, etc.
Contact Us
We are guided by a service mindset. That is why we would like to give you the opportunity to get in touch with us directly. We will gladly answer individual questions, too. Or we can direct you to our experts.