Founding partners

| Team

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes

University of Kiel

Prof. Dr. John P. Allegrante

Prof. Dr. John P. Allegrante

Columbia University

Senior researchers

Prof. Dr. Dirk Nabers
University of Kiel

Prof. Dr. Dirk Martin
University of Kiel

Prof. Dr. Natalia Filatkina
University of Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Karen Struve
Bremen University

Prof. Dr. Paula Diehl
University of Kiel

Prof. Dr. Frauke Nees
University of Kiel

Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz
University of Kiel

Science manager

Ronja Teschendorf
University of Kiel

Maj-Britt Wesemeyer
University of Kiel

Climate & Environment

Earth warming and ecology, environmental protection, sustainability, agriculture, climate justice, etc.

Prof. Dr. André Calero Valdez
Lübeck University, Computer Science

Digital Interfaces for Climate

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Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp
Kiel University, Geography

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Prof. Dr. Konrad Ott
Kiel University, Philosophy

Heuristics of fear in times of climate change.

Prof. Dr. Jana Friedrichsen

Kiel University, Economics

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Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz

Kiel University, Regional Economics

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Dr. Anna Lena Bercht
Kiel University, Department of Geography

Anxiety in coastal fisheries: How identity salience matters in climate adaptation.

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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frauke Nees
Kiel University, Institute for Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology

Reducing the impact of major environmental challenges on mental health (environMENTAL)

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Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kornek

Kiel University, Regional Economics

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Migration, Language, Culture and Discourse

Projects in this cluster cover a wide range of topics, including social integration, national isolationism, cultural identity, xenophobia, racism, etc.

Prof. Raphaël Liogier
Sciences Po Aix

Researcher at Sophiapol (University of Paris X -Nanterre)

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Lilit Karapetyan, MA cand.
Kiel University, Institute of Romance Studies & Departement of Psychology

Armenophobia/Anti-Armenianism from intergroup and sociolinguistic perspectives

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Prof. Dr. Rolf Kailuweit
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Institute of Romance Studies

Civil Society Reactions to Islamist Terror in Western Europe: Setting Signs in Analogue and Digital Spaces

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Dr. phil. Anita Sauckel
University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Medieval Icelandic Studies, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies

“They are properly frightened now.” Anxiety in the Sagas of Icelanders

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Dr. phil. habil. Jan Alexander van Nahl
University of Iceland, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies

Associate Professor for Medieval Icelandic Literature

The domestication of anxiety – Handling contingency in medieval Icelandic literature

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Marisa Stahl-Kügler, PhD cand.
Kiel University, Institute of Romance Studies

Anxometer – What does language do to anxiety?

The influence of multilingualism on the processing of anxiety.


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Prof. Dr. Christina Schaefer
Kiel University, Institute of Romance Studies

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Prof. Dr. phil. Timo Felber
Kiel University, Institute of German Studies

W3-Professorship for German Literature of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Age

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Dr. Monica van der Haagen-Wulff
University of Cologne, Cultural Sociology in the Department of Education and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities

Doctorate of Creative Arts (DCA), Associate Lecturer

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Maj-Britt Wesemeyer
Kiel University, Institute of Romance Studies

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Dr. Anik Nandi
Departamento de Lingüística y Estudios Vascos, Universidad del País Vasco and School of Liberal Arts, Alliance University, India

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The four research clusters and their scientific teams propose the topics for investigation individually but they investigate always the (possible) impact of „New Technologies“ and „Automation / Artificial Intelligence“ which are defined by each area.


Prof. Dr. Lars Gerhold
Technische Universität Braunschweig

Critical security research: The development shift – from technical assistance to the coming automation of security.

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Prof. Dr. André Caldro Valdez
Lübeck University, Computer Science

Understanding and harmonizing human and technological needs by designing the interaction of socio-technical systems.

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Dr. Markus Lemmens
Leuphana, Universität Lüneburg

Deep Technology: Bridging basic research and the finding of practical solutions as a contribution to an anxiety handling in civil societies.

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Dr. Karena Kalmbach
Futurium Berlin

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Future of Politics, Work and Society/ Digitalization

Research and projects in this cluster are focused on the labor market and job prospects, communication and free speech, data protection, etc., in an environment of automation and digitalization.

Prof. Dr. Christian Martin
Kiel University, Political Science

The Empirics of Anxiety – Who Fears What and Why (Not).

Prof. Dr. Elke Krahmann
Kiel University, International Relations and Security Studies

Can we combat anxiety in civil society by restoring ontological security? Or: What do the social sciences have to contribute when examining the consequences of technology has to be reflected?

Anne Metten, PhD cand.
Kiel University, Comparative Politics

Existential Anxieties and Right-Wing Populism in Europe – Why People Unconcerned by Globalization Vote Against it

Prof. Dr. André Calero Valdez
Lübeck University, Computer Science

How do technology and AI-based media impact opinion formation and fear. Can digitale media and its protocols be design to foster information exchange between different groups in a population without increasing polarization? Does xenophobia increase in filter bubbles and between member of different bubbles?

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Michael Bayerlein, Doc. cand.
Kiel University, Comparative Politics & IfW Kiel, International Finance and Macroeconomics

Existential Anxieties and Right-Wing Populism in Europe – Why People Unconcerned by Globalization Vote Against it

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Population Health

Public health care, mental illness, drug-abuse, violence, chronic diseases, pandemics, etc.

Prof. Dr. John Allegrante
Columbia University, New York

Social and cultural anxiety: Interdisciplinary applied behavioral research in clinical epidemiology and health services research. Risk and protective factors in adolescent substance use and mental health.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frauke Nees
Kiel University

Anxiety Index: The Digital Corpus of Anxiety Culture. Taxonomy (collection, classification and processing) of interdisciplinarily measured feelings of insecurity and anxiety in epidemiological (longitudinal) cohorts over the life span as well as construction of an anxiety index as an instrument for effective democratic system control, cooperation with Professor Christian Martin.

Dr. Sonali Rajan, Associate Prof.
Columbia University, New York

Prof. Dr. Angelika Messner
Kiel University

Emotion research and anxiety: Getting lost in-between the old and the new. Perspectives from Chinese contexts.

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Prof. Dr. André Calero Valdez
Lübeck University, Computer Science

Understanding the impact of opinion formation, fear and behavior on pandemic preparedness by using simulation.

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Prof. Dr. Anya Pedersen
Kiel University, Department of Psychology

Institute Director and Managing Director of the University Outpatient Clinic for Psychotherapy at Kiel University

Theory & Methodology

In a mutual approach of (Social / Natural) Sciences and Humanities, research on the different aspects of Anxiety Culture has to be carried out in a combination of methodological traditions and innovations, referring to data-sets and empirical findings in each area of investigation.


Prof. Dr. Dirk Nabers
Kiel University, Political Science and Sociology

Anxiety, crisis and social change.

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Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hoinkes
Kiel University, Linguistics

Anxiety Culture as a Global Paradigm Shift: Discursive Traditions Aware of In-security and Powerlessness, and their Potential for a New Social Dynamic. Diaspora and fears, with special reference to the case of Armenia.

Michael J. Schapira, PhD
Columbia University, New York

Prof. Dr. Natalia Filatkina
University of Hamburg, Germanic Linguistics / Digital Historical Linguistics

Constructing Anxiety and Fear through Language Use: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

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Prof. Dr. Karen Struve
Bremen University, Romance Philology (Literature and Cultural Studies)

Frightening fractures: Discourses of Fear in Contemporary French Cultural Philosophy and Novel Production.

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Prof. Dr. Paula Diehl
Kiel University, Political Science

Populism, Anxiety, and Identification. From Fear to Pleasure in Populism Dynamics and its Implications for Democracy.

PD Dr. Veith Selk
Technical University Darmstadt, Political Science

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Dr. Elena Dück
Kiel University, Political Science

Anxiety, Identity and Otherness

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Education & Outreach

Strong belief in an implementation of research findings in educational curriculums. This engagement covers a wide research communication approach as well. Digital tools will be combined with classical formats like conferences and one on one meetings. Science Diplomacy and political consultation is part of this aim.


Dr. Max Doppelbauer
Wien University

Prof. Dr. Caecilie Weissert
Kiel University

International partnership

The Westfjords of Iceland are a fascinating area in Europe, located in the far north. The climate and beautiful nature present a great challenge for people to live, work and be economically active. The University Centre of the Westfjords accompanies these challenges with two academic master programs, Coastal Communities and Regional Development and Coastal and Marine Management. It is a place of learning that is at the same time far away and in the middle.

Dr. Peter Weiss, Director of the UCW, and his team support the ACP in many ways, providing numerous opportunities in their spaces and with their valuable contacts for an experience-based exchange about the difficulties and solutions in trying to reconcile local and global life in a sustainable way.