Anxiety Culture Research

| Aims & structure

The basic thesis of the ACP is that Anxiety Culture as a heuristic concept makes it possible to re-perspectivise, describe and analyse contemporary cultures of globalisation, technologisation, populism and climate change.

This requires and at the same time produces an interdisciplinary framing of the individual research projects, whose theoretical and methodological commonality is that the individual and the collective as well as theory and empiricism are taken as a basis in their interaction.

Anxiety culture is thus understood as a (central) dynamic in societies of the globalised world, and is thus based neither on a singular state, nor on a state to be overcome, nor on an epistemic turn, for example in the logic of an affective turn.

We follow five principles:

  • We integrate ongoing and thematically appropriate research projects of the participating researchers.
  • We accompany and support young researchers in a cooperative manner, they can get leading positions in early stages of their scientific careers.
  • We expand the governance and the research management of interdisciplinary and international science and humanities.
  • We create resources for original new research questions through the targeted acquisition of third-party funds.
  • And finally we transfer and communicate the research results to civil society various specific stakeholders and make the outcomes suitable for finding solutions.

Anxiety Culture Research

| Publications

-> Publications of members of the ACP:

Shea, Nicole, & Kattan, Emmanuel (eds.) (2018). Europe Now (July, Vol. Issue 19).
Struve, Karen (2019). Gestern Risikogesellschaft – Heute Anxiety Culture, Wissenschaftsmanagement (2), p. 119-126.

-> Publications of members of the ACP:

Bude, Heinz (2014). Gesellschaft der Angst. Hamburg: Hamburger Edition HIS.
Edge, Jeremy S. (2015). Argumentation in Education: Putting Argument to Work in Your Classroom. Lawrenceville: Jade-Clairmont Publishers.
Gee, James Paul (2014). How to do Discourse Analysis. A Toolkit. London/New York: Routledge.
Jäger, Siegfried / Zimmermann, Jens (eds.) (2010). Lexikon. Kritische Diskursanalyse. Eine Werkzeugkiste. Münster: UNRAST-Verlag.
Lakoff, George / Wehling, Elisabeth (2016). Auf leisen Sohlen ins Gesicht. Politische Sprache und ihre heimliche Macht. 4th edition. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag.